HeliOfant video Annotation (Version 1.7)
I, Pet Goat II
(( Read my new Edits in [brackets] ))
The mistake that some people made regarding this video is treating it as if it was made by some amateur conspiracy theorist (a truth seeker), while in fact it is obvious that this kind of heavy symbolism couldn't come from anywhere other than The Elite themselves!
The new design\animation company that made this piece of art - in my opinion - is just another one of those masks that the Illuminati\Oligarchy\Elite love to hide behind.
The name of the company itself is a reference to the secret religion of the Secret Society.. Sun-Worship!
Most of those who study the Conspiracy understand this concept already, so I’ll assume a previous knowledge of the “typical” symbols and ideas while making my annotations here. This will make things a lot easier for me, especially since I’m not a native speaker of English, and writing a detailed fancy article is something I’m not well equipped to do right now!
I believe that the Animated video carries a MESSAGE from The Elite to us.. that the “second phase” of their Big Plan (what they call: The GREAT WORK) is near and inevitable.. That the New Age of “Enlightenment” is approaching!.. That it's going to be a difficult & painful process..
And they are CONSOLING us!..
The tagline says it all: ( A short film about the fire at the heart of suffering )
This refers to the main visual theme of the video, the HEART shape, especially the one on the "Christ figure" that catches the FIRE generated from all the pain & suffering, to get out of his\our sleep\trance state to a new awakening one.
From the suffering\chaos\disasters of the people (the masses) - that the Elite purposefully created by their false-flag operations & wars - will emerge fire of knOWLedge & illumination of understanding (wisdom).
Or at least this is how they JUSTIFY their EVIL!!
They believe that their manufactured new religion will UNIFY the citizens of EARTH under one flag.. A New World\Global Order.. and bring “peace” after destroying old faiths!
They are promising us that the winter of illusion\propaganda & mind control will end soon. That our suffering was a needed sacrifice to power the coming of their Messiah System.. the Big Brother that will make pain vanish and everything will be OK under his reign!
The “old lady” will be fertile again. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes. All the necessary pain was that of giving BIRTH!!
This second - and final - event that will make all this happen (as they planned) will be somehow connected - as usual! - to war, destruction, bombing Islamic countries and terror!
The name HeliOfant could mean:
Helios = Sun
Phant = to reveal, show, make visible
so, Revealer of the Sun? - Illuminator of the Truth\Light ? - A "message" from the Sun-God ?!
Of course, the title of the video refers to the incident of Bush reading the children story (The Pet Goat) in the classroom while being informed (on camera) about 9\11.
The video here recreates the setting of the classroom while illustrating the real role of Puppet Politicians like Bush\Barack.
(Goat symbolism: Baphomet, said to be worshiped by Knights Templar & in Masonry)
The Hidden Hand of the REAL Elite, the puppet master, moves the strings of the Public Politicians to make them act the way the Elite want them to!
The hands wear a ring of power.. Money $.
(I don’t know what the other bloody ring stands for)
The purpose of these politicians is to distract the public away from real problems and the real players (the hidden hand that rules behind the scene and uses the mask of Bush\Obama etc.)
Bush - the Dumb president - provided daily joke material for the masses to consume (via the late shows of Letterman etc.) to bamboozle the people.. A magic trick that drew attention away form the likes of CFR and Rockefeller!
(Notice the shape of the star of light on the ground. and the masonic design of the floor)
(Notice that Bush\Obama is performing his moves in the class in front of the ”Alice” girl and the other blue children)
The Puppet\Public Politician\President also provides “material” to capture the interest of conspiracy theorists, intentionally! (Devil Horns hand sign made by celebrities in front of cameras.. a lot) to “keep them busy”.
Bush’s “job” was to make a fool of himself (like the famous “fool me once...” incident), and Obama’s was to defuse the popular anger and provide false hope!
They both work for the same force.. The Elite.
They perform a written script. Reading what they are told to say.. Laughing when they are told to laugh. They are just an IMAGE.
(Notice the LOL on the teleprompter)
On and around the blackboard..
A penis (drops of semen) - EVOLUTION - The Hangman (read elsewhere about the Hanged-man Tarot card and connection to Human Sacrifice: Heath Ledger as an example)
Star of David inside the snow flake.
Shark (?!)
Owl (knOWLedge?) (It’s a symbol the Elite uses lately in their ”art”.. see latest examples in recent DC Comics issues!.. e.g Batman: The night of the owls, and Before Watchmen: The Nite Owl)
The next step of “evolution” is the new enlightened man!.. (listen to Aaron Franz podcast about the subject. TheAgeOfTransitions.com)
The One Eye symbolism.
“Alice” is sitting listening to the “show” of the fake presidents.. not convinced. She is the only one of her class that has a SHAPE.. personality. The other kids were mutilated by the corrupt education system.. they are sad freaks.. a product of the system. They are deformed & disfigured.. shapeless. Some of them look like victims of Abuse..(MKUltra programming? - Mind control & Monarch programming? - ill because of the GM food?!)
Notice the white rabbit.. by following it Alice may find the truth! (see the books of Fritz Springmeier on the subject)
She is the only kid that understood!
She sits inside the Sun\Sirius logo of HeliOfant.
The others are beaten and live in ignorance.
The truth that she “suddenly” realized scared the politician. The fear in his eyes represents the beginning of the terror that was caused by 9\11.
The Elite designed the event to scare and shock, and they succeeded in their Massive RITUAL.
The apple (of knowledge?) may represent the shock of some Americans after understanding the con that is 9\11, and knowing for sure that they don’t CONTROL the country, and that the real power is in the hand of a hidden force.
(I don’t understand the 2 black lines and the white circle.. nor the coin underneath the shoe of the president)
(The central theme of Baha'u'llah's message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for its unification in one global society. God, Baha'u'llah said, has set in motion historical forces that are breaking down traditional barriers of race, class, creed, and nation and that will, in time, give birth to a universal civilization. The principal challenge facing the peoples of the earth is to accept the fact of their oneness and to assist the processes of unification.)
I, Pet Goat II
(( Read my new Edits in [brackets] ))
The mistake that some people made regarding this video is treating it as if it was made by some amateur conspiracy theorist (a truth seeker), while in fact it is obvious that this kind of heavy symbolism couldn't come from anywhere other than The Elite themselves!
The new design\animation company that made this piece of art - in my opinion - is just another one of those masks that the Illuminati\Oligarchy\Elite love to hide behind.
The name of the company itself is a reference to the secret religion of the Secret Society.. Sun-Worship!
Most of those who study the Conspiracy understand this concept already, so I’ll assume a previous knowledge of the “typical” symbols and ideas while making my annotations here. This will make things a lot easier for me, especially since I’m not a native speaker of English, and writing a detailed fancy article is something I’m not well equipped to do right now!
I believe that the Animated video carries a MESSAGE from The Elite to us.. that the “second phase” of their Big Plan (what they call: The GREAT WORK) is near and inevitable.. That the New Age of “Enlightenment” is approaching!.. That it's going to be a difficult & painful process..
And they are CONSOLING us!..
The tagline says it all: ( A short film about the fire at the heart of suffering )
This refers to the main visual theme of the video, the HEART shape, especially the one on the "Christ figure" that catches the FIRE generated from all the pain & suffering, to get out of his\our sleep\trance state to a new awakening one.
From the suffering\chaos\disasters of the people (the masses) - that the Elite purposefully created by their false-flag operations & wars - will emerge fire of knOWLedge & illumination of understanding (wisdom).
Or at least this is how they JUSTIFY their EVIL!!
They believe that their manufactured new religion will UNIFY the citizens of EARTH under one flag.. A New World\Global Order.. and bring “peace” after destroying old faiths!
They are promising us that the winter of illusion\propaganda & mind control will end soon. That our suffering was a needed sacrifice to power the coming of their Messiah System.. the Big Brother that will make pain vanish and everything will be OK under his reign!
The “old lady” will be fertile again. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes. All the necessary pain was that of giving BIRTH!!
This second - and final - event that will make all this happen (as they planned) will be somehow connected - as usual! - to war, destruction, bombing Islamic countries and terror!
The name HeliOfant could mean:
Helios = Sun
Phant = to reveal, show, make visible
so, Revealer of the Sun? - Illuminator of the Truth\Light ? - A "message" from the Sun-God ?!
Of course, the title of the video refers to the incident of Bush reading the children story (The Pet Goat) in the classroom while being informed (on camera) about 9\11.
The video here recreates the setting of the classroom while illustrating the real role of Puppet Politicians like Bush\Barack.
(Goat symbolism: Baphomet, said to be worshiped by Knights Templar & in Masonry)
![]() |
Uncle Baphomet |
The Hidden Hand of the REAL Elite, the puppet master, moves the strings of the Public Politicians to make them act the way the Elite want them to!
The hands wear a ring of power.. Money $.
(I don’t know what the other bloody ring stands for)
The purpose of these politicians is to distract the public away from real problems and the real players (the hidden hand that rules behind the scene and uses the mask of Bush\Obama etc.)
Bush - the Dumb president - provided daily joke material for the masses to consume (via the late shows of Letterman etc.) to bamboozle the people.. A magic trick that drew attention away form the likes of CFR and Rockefeller!
(Notice the shape of the star of light on the ground. and the masonic design of the floor)
(Notice that Bush\Obama is performing his moves in the class in front of the ”Alice” girl and the other blue children)
The Puppet\Public Politician\President also provides “material” to capture the interest of conspiracy theorists, intentionally! (Devil Horns hand sign made by celebrities in front of cameras.. a lot) to “keep them busy”.
Bush’s “job” was to make a fool of himself (like the famous “fool me once...” incident), and Obama’s was to defuse the popular anger and provide false hope!
They both work for the same force.. The Elite.
They perform a written script. Reading what they are told to say.. Laughing when they are told to laugh. They are just an IMAGE.
(Notice the LOL on the teleprompter)
On and around the blackboard..
A penis (drops of semen) - EVOLUTION - The Hangman (read elsewhere about the Hanged-man Tarot card and connection to Human Sacrifice: Heath Ledger as an example)
Star of David inside the snow flake.
Shark (?!)
Owl (knOWLedge?) (It’s a symbol the Elite uses lately in their ”art”.. see latest examples in recent DC Comics issues!.. e.g Batman: The night of the owls, and Before Watchmen: The Nite Owl)
The next step of “evolution” is the new enlightened man!.. (listen to Aaron Franz podcast about the subject. TheAgeOfTransitions.com)
The One Eye symbolism.
“Alice” is sitting listening to the “show” of the fake presidents.. not convinced. She is the only one of her class that has a SHAPE.. personality. The other kids were mutilated by the corrupt education system.. they are sad freaks.. a product of the system. They are deformed & disfigured.. shapeless. Some of them look like victims of Abuse..(MKUltra programming? - Mind control & Monarch programming? - ill because of the GM food?!)
Notice the white rabbit.. by following it Alice may find the truth! (see the books of Fritz Springmeier on the subject)
She is the only kid that understood!
She sits inside the Sun\Sirius logo of HeliOfant.
The others are beaten and live in ignorance.
The truth that she “suddenly” realized scared the politician. The fear in his eyes represents the beginning of the terror that was caused by 9\11.
The Elite designed the event to scare and shock, and they succeeded in their Massive RITUAL.
The official site of the company says about the girl character:
“And suddenly a startling realization arose in Lily: "This apple is not mine", she thought. "It belongs to someone else."
The other kids are hopeless & helpless.. bound by wires and physical\psychological disabilities.The apple (of knowledge?) may represent the shock of some Americans after understanding the con that is 9\11, and knowing for sure that they don’t CONTROL the country, and that the real power is in the hand of a hidden force.
(I don’t understand the 2 black lines and the white circle.. nor the coin underneath the shoe of the president)
The Lotus comes out of the realization & despair that the “first” 9\11 event produced.
Lotus flower symbolism in Buddhism: Re-birth - Enlightenment !!
The Lotus was important to Ancient Egyptians also.
The Lotus was important to Ancient Egyptians also.
(Also notice its connection with Baha’i Faith and its Lotus Temple in India. I believe that the prepared new unified religion that the elite want for the world is something similar to Baha’i!.. here is a picture of the temple, and a quote from the official Baha’i website about their goal of a new world order.. a one global government!)
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Baha'i Lotus Temple Delhi India |
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Shrine of Baha'ullah -notice the sun & triangle (Masonic) |
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Shrine-of-Baha'ullah is in Israel |
The Lotus flower comes out of the mud and reaches the light of the sun, symbolizing the suffering and darkness that leads to enlightenment.
(Lotuses are symbols of purity and 'spontaneous' generation and hence symbolize divine birth.)
(Lotuses are symbols of purity and 'spontaneous' generation and hence symbolize divine birth.)
The awe of finally understanding how big the conspiracy really is!.. The Pawn Politicians realize their role.
Notice the reflection of the light in the drop of sweat. It looks like a Hebrew letter.. (Ayin)
which means (in Hebrew & Arabic) EYE!!
Its position on the forehead is appropriate. (Illuminati\Masonic all seeing eye - The third eye)
(In Islam, the DAJJAL “Anti-Christ” will be one-eyed, uses magic to draw people away from religion, will be helped by the Jews and Demons, and have Arabic letters on his forehead: K-F-R)
(Can someone read the graffiti inside the classroom?)
I can see now that it is only a reflection of the Psalm 23 graffiti! Some have noticed its resemblance to the word Z I O N -
Interesting, because the Olympics official ugly logo spells the word Zion also!.. And BTW, some people noticed that the DURATION of the video is 7:27 ..
The Summer Olympics begins Friday, July 27, 2012, and ends Sunday, August 12, 2012.
And I think it is the first in London since 1948, the year Israel was founded!
I can see now that it is only a reflection of the Psalm 23 graffiti! Some have noticed its resemblance to the word Z I O N -
Interesting, because the Olympics official ugly logo spells the word Zion also!.. And BTW, some people noticed that the DURATION of the video is 7:27 ..
The Summer Olympics begins Friday, July 27, 2012, and ends Sunday, August 12, 2012.
And I think it is the first in London since 1948, the year Israel was founded!
Graffiti: PSALM 23 (or 29) - Both are significant.
The two towers shock of controlled demolition 9\11.
(Does the white one look ”feminine” to you?!)
The Dancer character. The official site calls him SADNESS. The state of the people after 9\11.
Osama being demonized after 9\11. Notice the bloody moon, the CIA patch on his clothes, the blindfolded followers, and the black wings on him!!
Arab\Gulf Oil!.. A sea of black oil.
The “base” of America is a Star of David!.. Statue of liberty surrounded by the Oil sea.
The Fall of the United States.
The young generation. Being programmed even before birth!
Manipulation of the young generation. The Media\System is EVIL.. it’s represented by the screen, the eye and the snake.
The boat that will bring the Anti-Christ to life has the head of Anubis (Ancient Egyptian god of death, with the head of a dog)
NOT ENOUGH FIRE!!.. The heart of the Anti-Christ needs more death, destruction and sacrifices to be ignited.
In a state of sleep.
the Dajjal\Anti-Christ\NWO is on its way, but not out of the dark tunnel yet. The Elite need to bring more disasters!!
The baby became a boy. Still under the influence of the propaganda though!.. Notice the Drugs & bills (Anti depressants?)
The evil dark system uses the media to spread despair and kill joy!.. Notice the upside down pyramid.
The news doesn’t bring any hope in the future. Despair. Market Plunges. WAR. WAR.
The media provide us with a constant gloomy\fabricated image of the world.
Western fighters invade the Islamic world, using the false flag operation excuse.
Shaky hand-held camera effect. Watching the destruction live on the News. Notice the skyscrapers of the wealthy gulf countries.
(There is a saying by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about a time when the Bedouins will compete who builds the tallest building!)
A bird-eye picture of the destroyed mosque. It looks like the famous shot of the Holy Land in Mecca! "AL-Haram"
Butterflies are symbols for TRANSFORMATION from one state to the other. The fire in the heart of the Anti-Christ is getting bigger after the killing of innocents during the invasion.
The Dancer. More Despair.
Killing innocent Muslims. The woman has a Halo (A "SHAHEED" is an Islamic concept of a Martyr, not the same as Saints in Christianity)
The Arab Muslim boy is dead now.. but don’t panic, it’s all for the greater good!!.. Trust the Illuminati!
(What is the woman holding in her hand? e-mail me your thoughts)
[Edit Feb 2013:
Now that I'm more knowledgeable on the subject of the ESOTERIC Religion of the Secret Societies and their "Arcane, Occult and Mystery Gnostic" faith, things are more clear to me. This picture hides one additional meaning to the Elite.. It's about their belief in the Ancient Egyptian pagan system - also connected to the sun - and the concept of resurrection & Man "deified" - "BECOMING God" !!
The woman is ISIS of the Osiris myth. She wept on her husband\brother who was killed by Set. The legend has the element of "perfumery" which Isis taught to the maidens of the Queen of Byblos (in Lebanon. it is the source of the word Papyrus & Bible by the way!) then she took back the coffin of her dead husband Osiris, the deity of the sun in Egypt.
Isis was the mother of Horus. Horus' right eye was the sun and the left - according to the legen - was the moon.
[Edit Feb 2013:
Now that I'm more knowledgeable on the subject of the ESOTERIC Religion of the Secret Societies and their "Arcane, Occult and Mystery Gnostic" faith, things are more clear to me. This picture hides one additional meaning to the Elite.. It's about their belief in the Ancient Egyptian pagan system - also connected to the sun - and the concept of resurrection & Man "deified" - "BECOMING God" !!
The woman is ISIS of the Osiris myth. She wept on her husband\brother who was killed by Set. The legend has the element of "perfumery" which Isis taught to the maidens of the Queen of Byblos (in Lebanon. it is the source of the word Papyrus & Bible by the way!) then she took back the coffin of her dead husband Osiris, the deity of the sun in Egypt.
Isis was the mother of Horus. Horus' right eye was the sun and the left - according to the legen - was the moon.
The beetle may represent rebirth (Ancient Egyptian symbol?) - The boy lost an EYE.
It is an Ancient Egyptian symbol representing the Sun rising!.. The Scarab Beetle was called Kheper, which meant Transforming or BECOMING.
Also, I can see the Arabic word for God on the boy's eye.. it spells ALLAH. Can anyone confirm this?
It is an Ancient Egyptian symbol representing the Sun rising!.. The Scarab Beetle was called Kheper, which meant Transforming or BECOMING.
Also, I can see the Arabic word for God on the boy's eye.. it spells ALLAH. Can anyone confirm this?
More despair and killing in Africa. Even the toys teach the children to kill!
Notice that the girl is pregnant! (The Elite think that there are TOO MANY people in Africa, so they try to "correct" the situation by inducing diseases, famine, and encouraging Genocide!!)
Notice that the girl is pregnant! (The Elite think that there are TOO MANY people in Africa, so they try to "correct" the situation by inducing diseases, famine, and encouraging Genocide!!)
The working class is buried.. or is it Communism (of South America)?! - The official site calls the character “Juan Pepito”
Tanks of WAR (in China?) - The peace movement girl activist tries foolishly to stop them!
The skeleton (of war & death?) convinced her that the sacrifices are for the greater good!.. Celebrations are ongoing to welcome the near coming of the anti-Christ.
The Evil one is almost here. The fire of the heart is enough.
The coming of the Dajjal (in a look familiar to Christians)
A star Gate is being crossed apparently!
If you are good in Astronomy e-mail me. I think the star chart isn't random. It may be referring to Orion's belt and Sirius the "dog star"!
A star Gate is being crossed apparently!
If you are good in Astronomy e-mail me. I think the star chart isn't random. It may be referring to Orion's belt and Sirius the "dog star"!
Breath of fire. His eyes remain closed.
The journey of his rebirth is near its end.
He looks as if coming out of a big mouth of a dog! (Is this a reference to the elite's legend about "Life originating from the Sirius Star aka the dog star?!")
He looks as if coming out of a big mouth of a dog! (Is this a reference to the elite's legend about "Life originating from the Sirius Star aka the dog star?!")
He is FIRE. He comes with destruction of the old world. He has a Black Halo.
The Dancer transferred into a Hindu image of Destruction. (I’m not familiar with Hinduism)
The Dance of Death continues.
Some Zebra FISH will be saved from the destruction and enter his new world?.. What is the significance of the black & white stripes?
Some people think this is the Age of Pisces becoming the Age of Aquarius. ]
Some people think this is the Age of Pisces becoming the Age of Aquarius. ]
Phallic symbolism is obvious. The Rebirth will bring life back to the dead souls?
A new form of Christianity will be allowed in the New Age.. one that is part of the new world religion, and probably will be PASSIVE and revolve around the No-Sin concept. Pleasure of the flesh won’t be forbidden?
Notice the phallus. Penis worship is one more disgusting aspect of the weird esoteric religion of the Elite!.. You can start by researching the Egyptian "god" Min\Khem\Amsu\Menu with his infamous erect penis!. He is very important to them but I can't understand his real significance. Send me an e-mail if you can.
Also, notice another connection to Ancient Egypt. In the myth of Isis & Osiris, Osiris was chopped into 14 pieces which she found except for the penis (a fish in the Nile ate it!), so Isis made "artificial" penis - I kid you not - and got pregnant with Osiris' Son, Horus.
Notice the phallus. Penis worship is one more disgusting aspect of the weird esoteric religion of the Elite!.. You can start by researching the Egyptian "god" Min\Khem\Amsu\Menu with his infamous erect penis!. He is very important to them but I can't understand his real significance. Send me an e-mail if you can.
Also, notice another connection to Ancient Egypt. In the myth of Isis & Osiris, Osiris was chopped into 14 pieces which she found except for the penis (a fish in the Nile ate it!), so Isis made "artificial" penis - I kid you not - and got pregnant with Osiris' Son, Horus.
The rebirth will bring Fertility back (as the Elite understand it) to our dead spiritual life.
DNA of the NEW MAN?!
We as Zombies!.. The empty life of the average man.
The Elite promise us to destroy the boring old systems..
and to stop their gloomy media machine..
so we won’t be controlled by them again!.. And we will be free to think for ourselves!!
Death celebrates his role in bringing the Anti-Christ. (He holds a big knife)
(Reminds me of V for Vendetta when V conducts classic music on the sounds of his explosions & bombs!)
(Reminds me of V for Vendetta when V conducts classic music on the sounds of his explosions & bombs!)
A new TAMED version of Islam will be allowed. The dead Muslim boy (with the 1 eye) will re-emerge as a Derwish (a Passive Sufi sect that was preferred by the British occupation of the Arab world because of its non-active approach to life!)
A famous spinning dance in Sufism. The Moon may represent Islam.
The previous destruction of the Holy Land of Islam is gone!
After Rapid Transformations and great pains..
The Dance reaches its End. Things are good & shiny!
Leaving behind the old age, and entering the New Age (of Aquarius?)
His eyes are OPEN.
The crown of thorns that represented Pain and Sin is gone.. vanished.
In the new accepted Christianity there will be no original sin.. no torturing of the self.. no repenting.
In the new accepted Christianity there will be no original sin.. no torturing of the self.. no repenting.
The Law is: Do What You Want! (as long as the Elite approve, of course!!)
Aleister Crowley said (Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law )
Destruction of the old church.
Even the old symbol of the Illuminati Elite will be destroyed!.. The SUN launches missiles upon the Pyramids of Egypt.
The New Age is Colorful and Fun !!
Forget all the Death & Destruction, This final scene is TOTALLY worth it!! (Sarcasm of course)
Notice the sun. It's always about the sun\light with these guys, isn't it?!!
Notice the sun. It's always about the sun\light with these guys, isn't it?!!
E-mail me your Notes & Additions
SalamaCast(at)yahoo(dot com)
About the COIN under Obama's shoe..
It could be an English coin, which would be ANOTHER reference to London, after what I mentioned before (2012 Olympics logo, the clock of the classroom says 12 o'clock, the ZION graffiti under the illumination of the Big Ben tower!!)
Note: Big Ben's tower will be renamed Elizabeth Tower in honour of the Queen.
The coin's engraving could be St Edwards Crown "of England"
Some also noticed that on the EVOLUTION hangman game the only CAPITAL letters are LTN, which is the code for an Airport in LONDON!
London Luton Airport
[EDIT: Somehow I missed two important subjects that Th Elite love to spread lies about: Depopulation\Eugenics & the Environmental Agenda!.. The video refers subtly to those topics, and I intend to explain more about it soon.
For now, you can listen to the Extraordinary Radio\Podcast shows by Alan Watt, CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com ]
The eye\i motif UNDER the masonic pyramid was used in such films as Lemony Snicket. Here is a picture from it. It was written by the Jewish author Daniel Handler.
[EDIT: I recommend that you do some research on the secret real esoteric RELIGION of the Elite, to see for yourself how weird they are!.. You can start with keywords like DRUIDS - Sun God - Giza Pyramid pointing at the star SIRIUS - the two-star system of Sirius & its connection to the Sun and the HeliOfant logo - What ALLAH said in The Qur'an about the Sirius Star (Qur'an 53:49) - The Ancient Egyptian meaning of "PHRE-MASsen" and its connection to the word Free-Mason & worshiping The Light - etc.]
[EDIT: Today I found something interesting that was posted here regarding the interpretation of the LOL symbol on Obama's Teleprompter, and that it could also be connected to the masonic hidden dogma of Sun-worship !!
Look at it as if it isn't LOL but 101 or |O|
Then you may see its symbolism of a SUN rising between two Pillars or a gate!
You may also read more about this concept in Thomas Paine's article about FreeMasonry & the Druids to understand the significance of the SUN to them.
You can also examine some of the ancient book covers that belong to the Elite.. to see their usage of these symbols.
Here is two of them:

Francis Bacon (a.k.a Bill Shakespeare!) book covers.]
I also recommend the Audio Series of the late Bill Cooper (Milton William Cooper) : Mystery Babylon.. 42 radio episodes.
Thanks for the informative comments made by the active followers of The Vigilant Citizen site.
And I appreciate the effort of whoever spreads the word about this post..Thanks!
E-mail me your Notes & Additions
SalamaCast(at)yahoo(dot com)
About the COIN under Obama's shoe..
It could be an English coin, which would be ANOTHER reference to London, after what I mentioned before (2012 Olympics logo, the clock of the classroom says 12 o'clock, the ZION graffiti under the illumination of the Big Ben tower!!)
Note: Big Ben's tower will be renamed Elizabeth Tower in honour of the Queen.
The coin's engraving could be St Edwards Crown "of England"
Some also noticed that on the EVOLUTION hangman game the only CAPITAL letters are LTN, which is the code for an Airport in LONDON!
London Luton Airport
[EDIT: Somehow I missed two important subjects that Th Elite love to spread lies about: Depopulation\Eugenics & the Environmental Agenda!.. The video refers subtly to those topics, and I intend to explain more about it soon.
For now, you can listen to the Extraordinary Radio\Podcast shows by Alan Watt, CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com ]
The eye\i motif UNDER the masonic pyramid was used in such films as Lemony Snicket. Here is a picture from it. It was written by the Jewish author Daniel Handler.
[EDIT: I recommend that you do some research on the secret real esoteric RELIGION of the Elite, to see for yourself how weird they are!.. You can start with keywords like DRUIDS - Sun God - Giza Pyramid pointing at the star SIRIUS - the two-star system of Sirius & its connection to the Sun and the HeliOfant logo - What ALLAH said in The Qur'an about the Sirius Star (Qur'an 53:49) - The Ancient Egyptian meaning of "PHRE-MASsen" and its connection to the word Free-Mason & worshiping The Light - etc.]
[EDIT: Today I found something interesting that was posted here regarding the interpretation of the LOL symbol on Obama's Teleprompter, and that it could also be connected to the masonic hidden dogma of Sun-worship !!
Look at it as if it isn't LOL but 101 or |O|
Then you may see its symbolism of a SUN rising between two Pillars or a gate!
You may also read more about this concept in Thomas Paine's article about FreeMasonry & the Druids to understand the significance of the SUN to them.
You can also examine some of the ancient book covers that belong to the Elite.. to see their usage of these symbols.
Here is two of them:

Francis Bacon (a.k.a Bill Shakespeare!) book covers.]
I also recommend the Audio Series of the late Bill Cooper (Milton William Cooper) : Mystery Babylon.. 42 radio episodes.
Thanks for the informative comments made by the active followers of The Vigilant Citizen site.
And I appreciate the effort of whoever spreads the word about this post..Thanks!
I have a question, if this is propaganda, how come it's not that popular. It's original posting was even taken down on youtube. It is now on Vimeo, but it looks like the playback skips to render it unwatchable.
ردحذفتم إنشاء فيلم استوديو الرسم " Heliofant " ، الذين ينتمون إلى المتنورين
ردحذفكارتون الخالق لويس يفبفر ، وينتمي أيضا الى النظام.
Heliofant تنفيذ الإعلان الوظيفي لأمثال التجارية العالمية مثل نايك ، MTV ، بي ام دبليو ورينو . BMX ، وأصحاب الشريعة من هذه الشركات هي كما قد تتوقع أيضا المتنورين .
الى جانب ذلك تنفيذ حملات غرينبيس .
تم إنشاء الخرافة لغة خاصة ، و scabreux اللغة [ غامض ]
غامض يعني - لإخفاء ، والحفاظ على السرية ، خفية، خفية، سرية )
السحر والتنجيم هو " سر " ، " متوفر" . دعا غامض أيضا المعارف السرية
بل هو لغة السحرية و الأسطورية يستخدم للاتصال مع المطلعين
وتسمى هذه اللغة بشكل مختلف ، لغة الماسونية و المتنورين اللغة .
في الأساطير والأدب في العصور الوسطى و السحر والتنجيم
اللغة scabreux افترض بأنه باطني ، واللغة الإلهية الكمال.
أحاول أن أعطي لكم أن نفهم،
أن الرسالة من الرسوم المتحركة ،
الناس العاديين لا يفهمون
تتفهموا ذلك
فقط " الكهنة طقوس "
أولئك الذين هم في الحقيقية
خبراء الفن غامضة ، لا
عادي العرافين
و الوحيد الذي سوف
قادرا على فهم صحيح
الفيلم ليست للجميع ولكنها مصممة لطالب متقدم
in the lower left corner you can see how
ردحذفCAMP WORKER TRYING keep your pet on a leash that is trying to get out .
but the animal wakes up and looks out of the doghouse .
0.10 we see the scapegoat of the implant on his forehead Fema camps closed
Snow Cold War refers to the psychological .
The Cold War - a state of tension and rivalry ideological, political
which is used to break systems .
scapegoat intoxication due to the manipulation of television , and psychological .
like goat wakes up and looks out the window of his shack, recovering from vertigo disappear looks
and the window , barbed wire , he realized that he is in captivity, and then begins to Moo .
it's too late because she has implants on his forehead.
it is a metaphor
illuminati want to pass that the people are to them like animals and are their slaves.
are under the influence of black magic and psychological manipulation ,
and when they had the mark of Satan [ microchip or tattoo laser }
illuminati magic of people take off to everyone on earth to wake up
. from the influence of the black magic and to understand
slaves that are marked as cows,
slaves in the camps.
take off magic to understand that they themselves are guilty of
and they are responsible for their fate and their children.
then people will start to roar like the goat when they realize that there is no escaping the camps .
specifically want to make people aware that they are slaves.
0.21 , we see two hideous hands with claws like the devil.
ردحذفcontrol bush.
so these hands belong to the prince of hell and Agares BIOCHEMIAN god that controls the movements of George Bush
George Bush is shown as a puppet RAIN MEN .
on the fingers of the left hand has a ring bankers. meaning it has the power of all the banks .
on the right is pouring red wax used to seal the envelopes in the case of souls.
Prince of Hell by Banks scares people seal of Satan.
and to use their puppets G Bush and Obama.
by the Illuminati and Freemasons world is divided into different zones .
that lust demons .
at one point the most powerful country of the United Kingdom and the city LONDON BALL ruled the country first and most important demon king of hell .
the two Usai this country is ruled by the Duke Agares hell and his demons supposed to have taken care of Germany. .
3 is wassago and so -forth by every country has them under the authority of another demon .
0.30 then the whole story starts in the classroom.
the beginning is a reference to the time when Bush sat in the classroom learned oo terrorist attack .
respect more particularly to events 9 \ 11 .
This passage is very important to the Illuminati .
events of 9/11 Masons lied to the whole world and the world began fruitless war on terrorism does not exist .
War can not be wygrać.więc to continue indefinitely .
this is a very important moment in the activities of the Illuminati ,
since the world began to psychological warfare .
war that will last forever.
Date of the symbolism of the attack of 9/11 meaning ,9- 11 date refers to the apocalypse bible verse 9/11
dedicated to the destruction of
(Rev 9, 11 )
9/11 and have a king over them - angel of the bottomless pit ;
his name in Hebrew is Abaddon ,
and in the Greek language has a name Apollyon
9/11 = (Rev 9, 11 ) destruction , destroyer , disaster [ Abaddon ]
star in the tap dancing , refers HOLLYWOOD STARS .
ردحذفalso the statue of liberty , which is then shown in the star of David .
Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom cheering world And George Bush and Obama is the new symbol .
the array are described topics that will be given lessons in what will be taught shool illumination .
illumination is 90 % Star [ Hollywood ] some even have a star on the boardwalk.
G Bush shown as a star in the classroom , while the teacher sitting in front of blackboard
which means that Hollywood celebrities are the teachers ..
What is interesting is that a teacher has to teach, is paralyzed and does not say anything .
so this is another metaphor occult .
G bush is a star and a teacher. Meaning that Hollywood Stars are teachers , and they will teach.
which is very important , all the stars in Hollywood belong to the order.
there is no such possibility for someone who does not belong to the Order of the Illuminati was working there .
THEM Introduction This lifestyle demands .
0.40 - bush sitting and looking around you can see in his eyes reptalian
ردحذفthen gets an idea and shows a finger on the penis of ejecting sperm.
saying shame on you .
male member of ejecting sperm - means the implementation of the lives of children porn
in terms of representations of human sexual behavior and nudity as immoral or perverse ,
whose aim is to induce the recipient of sexual arousal discounted - love, marriage , and family,
and perversion of the conjugal act , the intimate mutual gift of love .i to become the subject of a primitive pleasure
one way of sharing porn kids will [iPod , iPhone and iPad . ] . I's apple { it specifically for a mobile phone or tablet from Apple ] .
which will facilitate access to child porn .
which later is shown as an innocent girl sitting in a classroom with an apple .
the girl with an apple in a classroom is your daughter uses a device APPLE .
Why Apple , and its annual sales in the U.S. amounted to $ 42.91 billion
According to a study by Forbes , Apple is the strongest brand in the world and soon every kid in the world will have iPhone
guest gallows - [ perhaps fashion suicide ]
guy is already one foot on the gallows , there is no other , instead the words evolution .
which may mean that evolution will be the second leg they need .
Evolution will persuade children that man evolved from apes,
belief in Darwinism is the renunciation of God. it will bring people to the gallows .
shark screaming into the ear G B - this is London Grand Lodge of England .
Grand Lodge of screaming G B ear to do anything to destroy the foundation of the family psychologically .
as you can see the shark yells to his left ear , and on the right you can see the family home burned .
that all of these factors affect the breakdown and destruction of the family home
ردحذف. because on the left you can see the burning house .
burning because of this house and have already saved.
These lessons will lead to the complete destruction of the family home.
as can be seen when the camera leaves the class , there are only two frozen windows clean of frost .
through which you can see the burning house . and worried Obama
with the result of the equation under the table in class .
looking at the effect of the equation.
3 hearts which are in the following. , Please refer to every heart special attention .
These hearts are destruction and love to the system of antichrist [ Television , Hollywood , music , science ]
"The heart is of paramount importance in this animation :
This may mark the Christian Church is run by Freemasons and other occult frauds .
They'll perhaps Christians with the priests for the new messiah .
perhaps a reference to the quote - We need to use our hearts to release the fire burning inside .
under the table , we see f the equation in terms of actions and reactions , it is a hint that this is a solution to this equation .
Illuminati always use the same method.
action - that is, put those lessons to schools .
reaction - confusion humanity.[ brainwashing .]
and solution - a man without a heart who believe in evolution . the new law new faith .
F can mean Mode F = Fashion literally comes to brainwashing by fashion .
F is also 6 letter of the alphabet , in summary fashion at 666 . , Or cleared by manipulating brain washing.
the table on the clock twelve o'clock is the time ghost.favorite at 12
ردحذفor that it is high time .
the left we see the map , and to the marked points .
the MAPK is owl Biochemian symbol , this symbol to admit to all attacks .
Owl - god bochemian or otherwise called the prince of hell , and correctly referred to as Agares .
The second ghost in the book lemegeton .
he is the prince of hell , and shall exercise such power over the United States .
from the map falling snowflakes, which means that the USA takes cold war psychologic from population
A U S A is like a cloud that brings rain.
These snow falling on other countries and so the snow cover other countries and the world coincide in the snow.
These snowflakes are pieces of information covering the world . , and they serve to manipuation human consciousness .
I mean , terrorist attacks , Hollywood Movies , Fashions , American music .
.illuminati want the whole world to lead the American way of life .
this is one of the elements of the Cold War psychologic.
above it all, watching Agares prince of hell , and [ club BOCHEMIAN } therefore, the MAPK is owl .
bochemian symbol also means that BOCHEMIA are responsible for these terrorism.i for the entire Cold War in the United States .
pins at points , terrorism that took place in those thumbtacks pinned points.
served to unleash the psychological warfare .
war, fear of terrorism does not exist .
the left side of the array can be treated as time passed , and the right as time coming .
You can also look at the wall as the clock.
white rabbit .i 's output .
ردحذفwhich means that if you want to know the truth you have to follow the white rabbit .
in a fairy tale white rabbit took Alice to the land of magic and spells .
Illuminati we suggest that if you want to know the truth we need to know the world of magic .
if you want to know the truth you have to know the land of magic [ witchcraft ] is the only way to know the truth .
while the girl is separated from them yellow circle .
This circle is a circle magic . so . surrounds her magic , but only because they are holding a product of Apple inc.
explain why
The trick with this magic is casting spells on these devices , and anyone who grabs it in your hand is under the influence of these spells.
and magic thrown on these devices, blocking effect of good spirits for human life .
a man without a reasonably reflects this equipment . like Alice in Wonderland .
is fascinated by this device and do not understand why this is happening. this is the effect of the use of the magic .
explanation .
music, games on the PC, or Sony PlayStation . movies on DVD . iPods tablets are products of companies belonging to the Illuminati
is nothing but a way to circumvent ,
protection for Christians given to people by God .
every Christian is protected / magic and witchcraft because of their faith.
and in such a god can not be cast spell. 's on the care of god and has contributed to the protection of guardian angel .
and the demon that still follows him , so it looks like after birth. is one to one , one angel and one demon .
and persuade him to come into contact with evil spirits is very difficult , because an angel stronger and has a greater impact on humans .
So do not consciously invite evil spirits into your life . the evil spirits do not have control over such a person
But the illuminati have found a way to get around and use to the music industry movie etc , , .
ردحذفexplanation ;
every famous singer or musician I mean Michael Jackson , Rihanna and Jay -Z.
each of them after recording the album on CD source has to give it before the boss labels.
and he carries the plate to the Masonic temple to celebrate the full moon over her ritual.
This disc is placed on the altar , engraved with a pentagram on the ground and then 13 and 13 of the wizarding witches ,
calls a hell of a high degree of power . , and they order him to commanded the demons under his authority
followed by any plates that rise from the source tape .
so buying a well-known music CD or even borrow it from a friend
or renting the game on the Sony PlayStation or renting a DVD
unconsciously inviting evil spirits into your home.
the situation is exactly the same with phones iPods , prototypes of such devices , iPhone
are placed on the altar , engraved with a pentagram on the ground and then 13 and 13 of the wizarding czrownic ,
calls a hell of a high degree of power . , and they order him to commanded the demons under his authority
followed for each copy of the device that created the prototype .
to ask the spirits of these devices makes , stupid , and that their every desire .
Generally, it does not matter whether you are buying and leave the house , just borrow from someone and bring a disc or home.
for the evil spirit will needed.i affect you so that you still listen to this record,
for Sony PlayStation you will still play.
in the case of some games on pc , you keep on playing it .
if you give your child , the phone still at his dłubało played and the amused him.
so does this magic is addictive and stupid .
I know it sounds crazy , but so is the true looks .
ردحذفIf you have a TV or a demon that you already have a chat which will you still forced to watch.
if you have a PlayStation , PC , tablet or cd Riana , and Elwis presley , the situation is the same.
if you have all the equipment , and to the few records that have at least 20 , if not 100 demons in the house .
as far as you're done reading number the discs or games you have in your home , then you will know how many evil spirits in your home.
and you count these evil spirits. to think about it as your one Guardian Angel has to cope with the whole swarm of evil spirits .
1.27 - now referred to as the girl an apple falls to the floor and stops the string LC .
The inscription on the floor LC LC -L c is an abbreviation of London Coliseum , Coliseum Theatre
Theatre - a kind of Performing Arts , where the actor or group of actors can live show for the audience .
The term theater itself is also referred to a theater or building in which it is played .
be hard to pinpoint the sea comes to the big show tv. can for - sure.
Apple falls on the inscription LC- which means that the sin is knowledge ,
and this knowledge is the largest and most famous theater on the ground. : ! :
October 30, 1938 ( Halloween ) was issued a radio play by Orson Welles ' War of the Worlds ",
ردحذفabout a Martian invasion on Earth. Radio play , people have considered the relationship of the actual invasion and panic . After Wikipedia :
Radio adaptation of the novel is considered as best prepared in the history of radio production .
It became the first object of sociological research project conducted by the Radio Rockefeller Foundation
- Focusing on the study of the effects of mass media on society.
Rockefeller then certainly understand that radio and television is the most powerful weapon on earth
in the next scene, apple stops next to the shoe at Obama and his shoe see a coin.
Apple rolls on the floor and stops the boot of President Obama. And here are a few ,
which can be seen only on HD video .
Under the thumb of the president is a coin . It bears something that resembles the British crown :
Had the filmmakers wanted in this way to tell who is financing behind the curtain the whole Wild West?
, -J, you know , the British Crown Corporation ,
also financed the war during the two wars and sponsored Hitler.i his actions .
it should be obvious that for all the manipulative masquerade stands LONDON. and more specifically
GREAT MOTHER lodge in the UK .
on apple crack [ at sea mean to break up apple inc ] midtown area and evil seed grows a lotus flower .
it is a flower of St. Egypt, as well as the emblem of India .
lotus flower mean sea knowledge , enlightenment through education. belief in science and technological progress .
mean sea walnut reason.
or mean sea dividing Apple's two largest businesses. grow one of the great .
perhaps comes the knowledge gained from television , newspapers and radio schools , this knowledge can evolve
ردحذفand grow with the apple in this knowledge , a new type of knowledge
in the next scene , we see
before bush terrains and Obama is shown Prompter , autocue
a device used to display a previously saved text that is read by a person standing in front of the camera.
(lol means laugh ]
first interpretation ; : Science:
1.41 - Obama scared looking at the broken apple [ split evil ] , because he understood what it all will lead .
has his head down , and frightened eyes .
Please Note the reflection of light in a drop of sweat on his forehead Obama.
looks like a letter of the Hebrew language .. ( Ayin )
( Ayin ) is the eye , and this appears on the forehead.
certainly is about all seeing eye - the third eye )
at sea symbolize Obama's membership to the group illuminati .
or Obama was enlightened and understand what it all will lead .
therefore the terror in his eyes.
different interpretation of the same scene with the ongoing apple.
Apple caught the defense of the president and cracks , in other words, bad breaks , and stems from the knowledge that gives it a beautiful mind.
Obama is terrified to see the evil that grows right through what begins to sweat.
is so scared that even a train ,
but sweat and terror is caused by Lucifer who attacks him for an error .
hence the drops of sweat is visible symbol [ Ayin ] eye, placed there in Hebrew.
He is the god of the Illuminati one eye [ AJIN ] as a symbol of enlightenment and a symbol of the god RA .
was placed in a sweat because ra is responsible for the sweat that occurs on the forehead .
Obama is scared because he understands that the truth can set us free , and that is exactly what you are trying to hide from us .
ردحذفand when the camera leaves the class can see Psalm 23 in which lightning strikes .
What could be referring to Obama . LORD is my shepherd , I shall not want anything.
God Obama gets angry enough to punish him for an error .
therefore, lightning strikes in the words. LORD is my shepherd , I shall not want anything
and at the end
cartoons in the classroom portion referring to the education and teaching of a new stage in human
[ I think the big deceitful presentation of television [or brainwashing by television ] is over.
and the camera leaves the class and on the wall on the left we see Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd. but more lightning strikes in this psalm .
which may mean that people will lose their faith. God gets angry enough to strike lightning in these words ,
you may leave people at the mercy of television that is a lie.
interesting facts about the number 23 ,
ردحذفDivide 2 by 3 and you get 0,666 .. 2/3 = 666.6
Washington begins with the letter W (23 in the alphabet ) . In Washington, the Pentagon 's
(it has five sides all the nodes when combined form a dancing star in the Bush )
Physics : number of the isotope of uranium used in nuclear bombs is U235 There are 22 isotopes of uranium , the longest life is 238U
Vanadium is a 23 element. W = 23 letter of the alphabet
23 hexagram in the I Ching is " Chaos ", " decay "
03/20/2003 - 3.23 hours - George W. Bush announced that the United States declared war on Iraq
Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters. .
The famous magician Aleister Crowley defined number 23 as a " breakdown , separation
In the first part of " Ghostbusters " heroes run for 22 floor where the apartment is located in Dana Barrett .
After running up more floor above , on 23 , where there is a door between dimensions !
23 degree Masonic . ;
23: Officer ( Defender ) Tabernacle ( Tabernacle ) ( called the Chief of tbe Tabernacle )
The next step in that degrees of the Scottish Rite recalls that selfishness and ambition can destroy unhealthy man.
Abandonment obligations to family , country and God must lead to moral and spiritual ruin
1, .47 - see the torn flag usa flag on the second piece , we see only one faith star.i lumbering up the WTC.
This detached one star is George Bush that was shown in class as a star .
This detached star or George Bush is a star of the Illuminati responsible for the destruction of WTC
and an endless cycle of war against terrorism.
we saw at the beginning of Bush standing on the star magic and more specifically in the pentacle is a symbol of magic , " a gold five-pointed star "
ردحذف[Allocated the biggest star of world- see , ( the Hollywood Walk of Fame , Hollywood Walk of Fame ) - sidewalk along Hollywood Boulevard .
Five- Stars are on the flag of the United States. Each of them represents one state.
Naste - trunks .. serpent entwined egg in the baby beast. green hand holding a false prophet holds for a child 's head .
the snake quietly grown fetus charge .
side , the false prophet carefully tending cultured embryo .
the baby of the beast is a new kind of people raised in the mainstream .
as you can see the fetus is already wrapped by a snake before I was born .
it is a metaphor illumination control not only the life education and human behavior ,
also control births , pregnancies and the conditions under which this pregnancy takes place.
cycle from conception is controlled and looked after .
2.41 - flowing pockets of Anubis death on the boat floats as if in a trance, mesmerized by the antichrist .
chest burning heart and the bottom two panels right god.na forehead three eye symbol
two arrays are two rights .
burning love heart on fire. early cartoons feebly burning.
with time becomes more inflamed .
Boat floats on the death of a man resembling Jesus, which is to suggest that it was Jesus .
She was wearing a three eye enlightenment iluminati.co is lucyfer enlightenment.
Jesus Christ is presented as carrying a light , Lucifer and not as a savior .
So Jesus is probably nwo new system but a good and wonderful as Jesus himself .
So people will think that the new system [ new faith ] is wonderful and perfect good .
3.02 , we see great planes bombing the Dome of the Rock Kubbat as- Sachra ;
ردحذفKippat ha- Sela ) - one of the most important Muslim shrines
located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
3.10 - see who the antichrist butterfly sits on a finger and is burning.
The butterfly is a symbol of the New Age . It has
mean output from the old era to the new one. With Christianity
the New Age . Represents a departure from tradition.
- The symbol of the soul, happiness, inspiration , lightness, beauty and transformation
woman in black on a black widow of oil for embalming and child mummy [ with bandages like a mummy ] .
ردحذفthe head enters his Egyptian scarab . kid has a black eye or no eyes.
tion can be seen as a nuclear explosion.
This could mean that attacked Egypt lying bleeding beaten . conquered.
a woman is a mother loge England, sad in black mourning Egypt .
scarab represents rebirth ( an ancient Egyptian symbol ? ) -
The boy lost his eye . eyed boy
it is not about a boy without an eye only Jeno illuminati symbol eye .
and more specifically about Egipt. ,
then the mother lodge . saves Egypt [ scarab ]
later you can see the boy rising to the sky .
is reborn , like a new Egypt fly the sky .
then a man with a tattoo skul and bones.awakening sleeping agent .
human or robot .it solves it .
seen from wearing war paint and was programmed to fight.
skull and crossbones they release the game, both my Turkish agent , who had previously played Osama .
CIA secret agent who plays a terrorist is released , and includes U.S. President >
2 version , skull and crossbones , release of secret agents. Unleash three who will oversee the war or war plans .
3 version of the skull and tibia send African children to war programmed like robots .
further , we see a lotus flower [ symbol of India and the sacred flower of Egypt ] flowing river full of toxins
and it melted in Russia .
We can infer from the passage that Russia is attacked with chemical weapons by ASIA>
seen sleeping on a boat sailing antichrist death
ردحذفlater the child crying ruined mentally from the lies of the false prophet . television.
Antichrist affecting boat to collapsing cave. most likely it is a metaphor that appears where everything falls apart .
Goddesses of India Shive dancing to the occult ritual . It's about celebrating the rituals of the Indian government okult .
4.26 - the boat 's death hypnotized antichrist fish jump .
fish are Christians living water .
is a Christian pop with life and jump for Antichrist on the boat died. Christians adventitious for a false messiah .
further showing the hand of the god of the Vatican ,
to the right of the clouds formed is kock glowing cum a wall running down the Vatican see cum sperm
on the wall and see a red heart , this is a reference to all listed hearts in the movie.
and a reference to the burning heart of the antichrist the boatman . , each painted heart in the cartoon is a copy of his heart.
mean sea worship the Antichrist.
The next stage in the queue we have " Madame Q" . Heliofant suggests .
ردحذف" Madame Q's point of suffering is sex . Is it repression or indulgence ?
We do not know . Yet there is definitely shame there . "
Next to the window is a neon -lit :hart , similar to that of a red heart brothel
if the author told us that it was a brothel at the top .
or at the very top is worse than a brothel .
Many people often confuse sex with love , or vice versa .
Q - known fictional character from the books and films about James Bond . Q (meaning Quartermaster )
letter - code establishing the position . Q is the head of Q Branch,
Madame - (short Mme ) the French word for you ,
it is also the title of the weld overlay in the royal family . meaning you or queen . reserved for the wife of King
So far as Madame Branch : king : Her majesty the Queen . : king :
in the Vatican , we see a very old woman behind bars with rod conductor.
can be seen escaping from the room to the right of the sperm and red flashing heart antichrist
it is a reference to the great harlot in which God gave judgment.
specifically, it is the Queen of England and the great lodges of England which drifted church because God pointing ruled .
We note that the judgment, fleeing the wall frightened prostitute , tries to superintend .
flowing sper / a is the habitat of sin , sin and debauchery until it flows out of the place in which he lives .
very old woman , is the queen of England
is closed at the top , and he conducts . meaning that gives orders from the top .
is closed due to the positions they take . 's important person
and the house in which he resides is like a prison.
ردحذفeverywhere guards , uniformed non-stop is observed .
the filmmaker has painted her as an old crone with drooping boobs and rings under her eyes.
would certainly show its true face , perhaps he met her in person.
and wanted to show what is hideous .
These bars are on the wall that counts is time and soon umże he knows well .
queen , seeing that he was released on her judgment , he runs away and hides to the wall ,
but during the chaotic escape attempts on his conduct the rod.
author wanted to convey that she has a mania for conducting People.
and despite the fact that he was in mortal danger and has to save his life , running like a crazy person giving the orders .
Overall, it looks like crazy looks , strange looking , is painted , has a nicely tense włosy.i elegant skirts .
Output heels . shoe is on the thick heel , and they are not pin to pin thin heel and walk in them young ladies
while the thick heel is reserved only for old ladies.
thick lips painted image indicates that it comes from a good family ,
red spot on her panties mean sea hag period .celibacy Josh can not sing .
or by simply wanted it laft.in enlightened circle .
First impression of the theme of a woman , suggests strongly that this woman is the Catholic Church , the Vatican .
but after a closer look at the facts shows Queen Elizabeth of England .
further seen dancing to the occult rites Shive [ politicians indi . ]
and destroys the armies of darkness Antichrist.
Antichrist destroys the armies of darkness and emerges as a new messiah , and created a new religion .
as seen at the end of the collapsing all Watykan.antychryst is the new messiah .
and a child who had surrendered and gets the brainwashing . convinced of the truth that it served him the false prophet [ TV ]
gets up and walks away while the false prophet is running out.
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.
ردحذف5.17 mason who conducted the bowler . Means Mason calling spirits and forcing them to influence the events depicted in the cartoon .
ردحذف5.20 boy escapes from one eye to the sky. - Islam is in the highlands .
5.30 politicians do not give up and further abroad in occult rituals .
some parts are still incomprehensible to me , so I left them without interpretation.
5 . 50 - finally we see the Antichrist coming out of the cave and waking .
followed by the collapsing of the Vatican City .
which refers to the destruction of all Religion
heart is replaced with understanding
and created one world religion . religion science technology knowledge and faith in the new system .
different interpretation of the scene 5.50
we see Jesus, who leaves the church .
has already opened her eyes and removed the crown of thorns and staring at the beautiful new dawn .
and looks like a pyramid are destroyed .
may be a reference to all destroyed Religion all- seeing eye.